Seeing as though there was no reply I thought to post back an update that I
have now successfully modified the script to restore all SQL datasources from
a protection group to a network folder without having to type in each
database into the script: -
$objtype = "SQL Server 2005 database"
write-host "This Script will Restore the latest recovery point for all SQL
databases within specified protection group to a network folder"
if (!$continue)
write-host "Please Type Y to continue or N to exit"
$continue = Read-Host "Continue ? :"
if (!$continue)
Write-Error "Nothing entered exiting program"
exit 1
IF ($Continue -ne "Y")
Exit 1
if (!$pgName)
$pgName = Read-Host "Enter Protection Group Name:"
if (!$pgName)
Write-Error "Protection Group not entered"
exit 1
if (!$DPMServerName)
$DPMServerName = Read-Host "Enter DPM server name"
if (!$DPMServerName)
Write-Error "Dpm server name not specified."
exit 1
if (!$DestinationServerName)
$DestinationServerName = Read-Host "Enter Destination server name"
if (!$DestinationServerName)
Write-Error "Destination server not specified."
exit 1
if (!$DestinationLocation)
$DestinationLocation = Read-Host "Enter Location on the destination
if (!$DestinationLocation)
Write-Error "Destination location not specified"
exit 1
if (!(Connect-DPMServer $DPMServerName))
Write-Error "Failed to connect To DPM server $DPMServerName"
exit 1
#Get the protection group for variable $PgName
$pg = Get-ProtectionGroup $DPMServerName | where { $_.FriendlyName -eq
$pgName }
Write-Host "Protection group " $pgName " not found"
exit 1
#Get a list of all Datasources with a type of "$ObjType"
$ds = Get-Datasource $pg #|
Write-Host "error"
exit 1
#foreach ($datasource in $ds)
#Write-Host $ " : " $
#if (!$Objtype)
# $Objtype = Read-Host "Object type ie : SQL Server 2005 database : "
#if (!$DestinationLocation)
# Write-Error "Object type not specified"
# exit 1
# }
#Display a list of "SqlObjects"
# Restore the latest recovery point of each SQL datasource.
foreach ($datasource in $ds)
if ($ -eq $objtype)
Write-Host $
Write-Host $
# Restore the latest recovery point of each SQL datasource.
# Select the latest recovery point that exists on disk and trigger the
restore job.
foreach ($rp in @(Get-RecoveryPoint -Datasource $datasource | sort
-Property RepresentedPointInTime -Descending))
foreach ($rsl in $rp.RecoverySourceLocations)
if ($rsl -is
$recoveryOption = New-RecoveryOption -TargetServer
$DestinationServerName -TargetLocation $DestinationLocation -RecoveryLocation
CopyToFolder -SQL -RecoveryType Restore
$restoreJob = Recover-RecoverableItem -RecoverableItem $rp
-RecoveryOption $recoveryOption -RecoveryPointLocation $rsl
if ($restoreJob)
if ($restoreJob)
Write-Host "`nRunning restore of $($datasource.LogicalPath) from
$($rp.RepresentedPointInTime) to $DestinationServerName\$DestinationLocation"
# Comment out the next 7 lines to not wait for one restore job to
finish before triggering the next one.
while (!$restoreJob.HasCompleted)
Write-Host "." -NoNewLine
sleep 3
Write-Host "`nJob status: $($restoreJob.Status)"
Write-Error "Could not find a recovery point on disk for
Post by ba_baracusHi,
I have a powershell script that can recover the latest DPM SQL recovery
Our DPM server protects our SQL server with 200 databases.
I need to recover all of the SQL databases from one of our SQL servers to a
folder via DPM. Using this script is it possible to specify a wildcard to
select all of the SQL databases to recover or a loop to go through and
recover each database one after another?
Preferably without having to run the script 200 times or type in the name
for each database?
I am unfamiliar with Powershell and so am struggling to find a solution?